Bales Family

Bales Family

Monday, April 12, 2010

Easter Pics

We had a great Easter! Here are the two matching summer dresses we got the girls.

Here is Gwen sitting on Grandpa's lap eating HORSERADISH! (not joking)

Elsie and Gwen were spoiled by the Easter Bunny at Grandma and Grandpa Bales.

The egg hunt at Grandpa Bill's.

Elsie trying to hit a pinata.
This year we made our pinata a pull pinata for the youngest to participate. It was a lot of fun and Elsie helped put it together. Here is Tayson pulling the string. It fell out on the third try.

I love Easter for many reason's. It is the largest family gathering at my dad's. It is the only time I get to see my extended family. Vern's family really gets into the spirit if things too. But most of all it reminds me that Christ was resurrected. That we will all live again like him. Nothing is more important. I love my family and I love the gospel. I am so blessed.


  1. What cute girls! I love the first pic. What 1 year old eats horseradish?!?! She's crazy but it's good. :)

  2. Wow!!! They look so big! I just think she should be laying on the floor with her arms stretched over her head still! I still am so sad I missed the get togeth with Lynz. :(

  3. I love the outfits! Your girls are so cute. Looks like you had fun with family!
